Our happy customers at North Street & Clapham Pottery tell us about how Northern Kilns have helped them keep up with demand, and how we’ve supported them over the years. Naine tells us more:
We are two very busy potteries in Clapham South London, Clapham Pottery, established in 2007, a non-profit charity where we teach sometimes up to 200 students per week and North Street Potters, established in 1978, a collective of usually 6-8 potters, all making pots for our shop and for the many restaurants we supply.

We have had all the usual minor issues over the years but have always been supported by Northern to resolve these.
Our first kiln from Northern arrived in 2009 at Clapham Pottery installedby Adrian to our great joy!
We give all our kilns a name and these two became Denzel and Aretha.They were joined by Judi a few years later.
We needed strong reliable kilns for both potteries so in 2010 and 2013, Audrey and Doris were installed around the corner at North Street Pottersin the very hot basement!We have had all the usual minor issues over the years but have always been supported by Northern to resolve these.

Clapham Pottery is a busy self-funding and not-for-profit community pottery, offering pottery classes for all ages and all abilities.
Classes are taught by professional, working potters from The North Street Potters, which was established in Clapham in 1978. They also offer Family Activities. Whatever your ability, everybody is welcome at Clapham Pottery.