Premium Kilns since 1969

Premium Kilns since 1969

Change the way you work with premium
hand-made kilns built to last.

How can we help you?

We endeavour to be the company that deliver, so we will personally deliver a premium product, built by us, install the kiln and leave it working, offering you an invaluable onsite tuition package, giving you firing and program advice, tailored to suit your needs.

Trust Icons
Built strong to last longer

Built strong
to last longer

Energy efficient


Tailored nationwide service

nationwide service

Hand made to order

Hand made
to order

Family business


Customer Success

North Street & Clapham Pottery

The North Street Potters is a busy urban pottery set in the heart of Clapham, south London. Founded in 1978, it is an Aladdin’s Cave full of handmade pottery at affordable prices created by individual members of the group, each with their own creative style in the shared studio behind the shop.

North Street & Clapham Pottery

Let’s have a chat about you

We’d love to hear from you and chat about how we can help. Complete the form and we’ll get back to you.

We care about kilns. We care about you.

We run the business with a heart (or three to be exact) so it’s not all about targets and sales, we care about our customers and our reputation. We’re proud of the business, our team and our products.

So, when we say we think our kilns are the best on the market, it’s not a false statement, it’s one we feel the kiln will prove to you over it’s lifetime.

We care about kilns. We care about you.

News & Events


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